AZ Ajax

Default settings

var _azAjaxOptions =
    azAjaxUrl: "",
    azAjaxDataType: "json",
    azAjaxType: "POST",
    azAjaxContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    azAjaxObjHeaders: {},
    azAjaxTimeout: 15000,
    azAjaxObjToSend: {},


There are several ways to use AZAjax.

new AZAjax(_azAjaxOptions).always(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR)
    // Here you put the logic for handling "always", "done", "fail", etc.

You can also have functions that listen to whether AZAjax has received data or has failed.

var azAjax1 = new AZAjax(_azAjaxOptions);

azAjax1.done(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR)
    if (jqXHR.status === 200)
        // Here you put the logic for handling "done".

azAjax1.always(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR)
    // Here you put the logic for handling any errors.
    if (jqXHR.status === 404)
    if (jqXHR.statusText === "timeout")

azAjaxUrl Type: String Default: ""

azAjaxDataType Type: String Default: "json"
The type of data you expect back from the server. Other options: "jsonp" - "xml" - "script" - "html"
azAjaxType Type: String Default: "POST"
Other options: "GET" - "PUT" - "DELETE" - "POST"
azAjaxContentType Type: String eller Boolean Default: "application/json; charset=utf-8"
The data type you are sending to the server. See also azAjaxObjToSend
azAjaxObjHeaders Type: Object Default: {}

azAjaxTimeout Type: Integer Default: 15000 Unit: milliseconds

azAjaxObjToSend Type: Object Default: {}
The data you send is automatically converted into a string - JSON.stringify(azAjaxObjToSend)