AZ Full Window

Default settings

new AZFullWindow(
    azFullWindowText: "",
    azFullWindowPosition: "bottom",
    azFullWindowFadeIn: 400,
    azFullWindowFadeOut: 400,
    azFullWindowBackgroundColor: "",
    azFullWindowColor: ""

Init AZFullWindow

There are two ways to initiate the AZFullWindow. The way you choose is important for further use of the function.

1. new AZFullWindow();
The function is initiated but you do not assign the function to a variable. This means that you can not directly interact with the function.

2. var AZFullWindow = new AZFullWindow();
The function is initiated and assigned to a variable. This means you can use the variable in relation to further interaction with the function.

Whatever approach you choose, you can use the following three features (Events):

azFullWindowText Type: String Default: "" Values: Text or HTML
azFullWindowPosition Type: String Default: "bottom" Values: bottom or top
azFullWindowFadeIn Type: Integer Default: 400 Unit: milliseconds
azFullWindowFadeOut Type: Integer Default: 400 Unit: milliseconds
azFullWindowBackgroundColor Type: Color Hex Default: ""
See also CSS #az-full-window
azFullWindowColor Type: Color Hex Default: ""
See also CSS #az-full-window
functionlib/azFullWindowBeforeOpen Type: Function
$.subscribeonce("functionlib/azFullWindowBeforeOpen", function ()

This function is triggered before AZFullWindow is fully initiated.
functionlib/azFullWindowAfterOpen Type: Function
$.subscribeonce("functionlib/azFullWindowAfterOpen", function (e, data)
    data.azFullWindowClose - ƒ ()

This function is triggered when AZFullWindow is fully initiated.
functionlib/azFullWindowAfterClose Type: Function
$.subscribeonce("functionlib/azFullWindowAfterClose", function ()

This function is triggered after AZFullWindow is closed.

AZ Full Window CSS

AZFullWindow has some basic CSS that you should not initially need to adjust. fullwindow.css
You can find the CSS which you can change yourself in the file CSS Team

AZ Full Window
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    color: #000000;

    padding: 7px 14px;
    font-size: 35px;

    background: #DDDDDD;