AZ contains a Global object (ObjPageData) which contains general system information and in which you can store information yourself.
ObjPageData is divided into two sub-objects, Elements and Values.
- Elements typically contains HTML elements.
- Values typically contains Arrays and Objects.
ObjPageData.Elements = {}
ObjPageData.Values = {}
var AZSettings =
DefaultLanguageFile: "/lib-2/admin/default-lang.json",
function SetAZPage()
$.subscribeonce("functionlib/AZPage", function (e, data)
SetAZPageContent(e, data);
new AZPage(
azPageElement: ["cmdSubmit", "cmdCancel"],
azPageInputTypeEvents: true,
azPageLanguage: true,
azPageLanguageUrl: "/lib-2/admin/index",
azPageValidation: true,
azPageValidationUrl: "/lib-2/admin/index",
azPageTootltip: true,
azPageTootltipFile: "/lib-2/admin/help.html"
function SetAZPageContent(e, data)
ObjPageData.Values.AZPage = data;
formdirty = false;