AZ Full Window

Default settings

new AZFullWindow(
    azFullWindowText: "",
    azFullWindowPosition: "bottom",
    azFullWindowFadeIn: 400,
    azFullWindowFadeOut: 400,
    azFullWindowHeight: 100,
    azFullWindowBackgroundColor: "",
    azFullWindowColor: ""

Init AZFullWindow

There are two ways to initiate the AZFullWindow. The way you choose is important for further use of the function.

1. new AZFullWindow();
The function is initiated but you do not assign the function to a variable. This means that you can not directly interact with the function.

2. var AZFullWindow = new AZFullWindow();
The function is initiated and assigned to a variable. This means you can use the variable in relation to further interaction with the function.

Whatever approach you choose, you can use the following three features (Events):


azFullWindowText Type: String Default: "" Values: Text or HTML
azFullWindowPosition Type: String Default: "bottom" Values: bottom or top
azFullWindowFadeIn Type: Integer Default: 400 Unit: milliseconds
azFullWindowFadeOut Type: Integer Default: 400 Unit: milliseconds
azFullWindowHeight Type: Integer Default: 100 Unit: percent Values: 1 - 100
azFullWindowBackgroundColor Type: Color Hex Default: ""
See also CSS #az-full-window
azFullWindowColor Type: Color Hex Default: ""
See also CSS #az-full-window
functionlib/azFullWindowBeforeOpen Type: Function
$.subscribeonce("functionlib/azFullWindowBeforeOpen", function (e, data)

This function is triggered before AZFullWindow is fully initiated.
functionlib/azFullWindowAfterOpen Type: Function
$.subscribeonce("functionlib/azFullWindowAfterOpen", function (e, data)
    data.$Window - i.fn.init[]
    data.$Close - i.fn.init[]
    data.azFullWindowClose - ƒ ()

This function is triggered when AZFullWindow is fully initiated.
functionlib/azFullWindowAfterClose Type: Function
$.subscribeonce("functionlib/azFullWindowAfterClose", function (e, data)

This function is triggered after AZFullWindow is closed.

AZ Full Window CSS

AZ Full Window has some CSS that you can find here: fullwindow.css